"Heart-warming Oriental pumpkin soup from the oven"

Gepubliceerd op 26 februari 2018 om 14:19

Heart-warming soup. With this cold a pleasure to try ....
Oriental pumpkin soup to lick your thumbs & fingers ... mmmm ...

Oriental pumpkin soup from the oven


* 1 pumpkin of your choice
* 600 gr peeled carrot (carrots)
* 4 tbsp olive oil
* 2 red onions
* 2 garlic cloves (optional)
* 1 orange
* 95 gr hazelnuts (optional)
* 1/2 cup of chives (optional)
* 1 can of coconut milk (400 ml)
* 2 vegetable stock capsules
* baking paper

Preheat the oven to 220 ° C, cut the pumpkin into pieces and remove all the seeds and wires.
Also cut the carrot into pieces.
Put both on the baking sheet with parchment paper. Sprinkle with oil and pepper & salt.

Put the onions after 15 minutes.

Fry for about 45 minutes in the middle of the oven.

Add halfway the garlic (possibly also the onions if you do not want to black them).
In the meantime, cut the orange, remove the skin and membranes, use juice or wedges if this succeeds.
Heat a pan and grill the hazelnuts, finely chop the hazelnuts and chives.
Remove the vegetables from the oven and allow to cool.
Take a soup pot and put the vegetables in the pan, including the moisture.
Add the coconut milk and the orange juice.
Add the vegetable stock tablets and 600 ml water (too much more water is added).
Allow to cook for a while, then warm up.
Mix the amount to a smooth soup, add some water and / or herbs to taste.
Serve the soup with the hazelnuts & chives & if you like plantbased cream.

Enjoy your meal




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